Monday, 16 March 2015

Fez comments

I never finished this post and CBA now... lol


I'm just beginning to work my way through Fez, as usual I'm a bit behind the curve but I picked it up recently in a sale on STEAM. It's a delightful puzzle platformer ardventure RP...hell, it's ZELDA games but with a twist. Literally. The story, as I grasp it - is that Gomez wakes up one day in his planar 2D world and after som standard platform shenanigans gets told the he is going on an adventure. Whereupon he's transported to another dimension (or location, I'm not really sure) with cubes everywhere which is weird here as 'there's no such shape as cube' Gomez's neighbour had confidently informed me. Here cubeist hieroglyphs pop up which I can't read so I'm at a bit of a loss there... You're informed the fabric of the universe is falling apart due to the loss of some cube - 

Fez - Surely you mean un-possable?

Fez- Cubevolution... (see what I did there?)

Fez - It rings my bell! Err...

Monday, 9 March 2015

What wallet is cooler than one that says "Bad Mother Fu**a"? THIS ONE IS....

When you absolutely have to pwn ever MF'n wallet in the room, accept no subs....You can get this bad boy from Zavvi HERE for 14.99GBP. But you know, as its Zavvi who's to say when you'd eventually get it? ;)

Friday, 6 March 2015

Nintendo GAMEBOY 8-Bit Themed table *NEED*

Check out this blog where some serious awesomeness is on display in the form of a CNC and hand crafted gameboy cartridge table for a #chiptunes event was created...It's beautiful!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Big Hero Sucks.... The infinity 2.0 foul-up, what happened to Baymax?

So after watching #Bighero6 I was totally blown away and wanted my own Baymax  collectable. I have infinity 1/2.0 so decided I'd get that one first for sure as I have been collecting other Disney figures I like...

Unfortunately mine came and it looks like this :( He also had a glue patch on his arm which was quite a mess...So I request a replacement from Amazon which was reasonably quick to arrive, but yup. Same sheesh. Apparently this has become a common problem of varying severity. Have a look at this thread on Infinity Fans...Baymax messy As the post correctly asks, What happened to Baymax?
Here's the rest of my images below. Anybody else had issues with their #Baymax?

No I'm not putting my thumb up his bum!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Arcade Art

Fancy a framed print from a restored arcade cabinet artwork collection.

Of course you do!
well head over to to get yours....

"Every frame is custom made to fit the original aspect ratio of the artwork and each one is produced completely in-house, from the pixel-by-pixel restoration of original scanned artwork through to printing, assembly, glazing, packaging in its custom box"

Sounds Awesome. And yes, they have space invaders :) Go check it out!