Thursday, 5 March 2015

Big Hero Sucks.... The infinity 2.0 foul-up, what happened to Baymax?

So after watching #Bighero6 I was totally blown away and wanted my own Baymax  collectable. I have infinity 1/2.0 so decided I'd get that one first for sure as I have been collecting other Disney figures I like...

Unfortunately mine came and it looks like this :( He also had a glue patch on his arm which was quite a mess...So I request a replacement from Amazon which was reasonably quick to arrive, but yup. Same sheesh. Apparently this has become a common problem of varying severity. Have a look at this thread on Infinity Fans...Baymax messy As the post correctly asks, What happened to Baymax?
Here's the rest of my images below. Anybody else had issues with their #Baymax?

No I'm not putting my thumb up his bum!

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