Thursday 14 August 2014

TMNT/NES Party Wagon. Oh yes!

How could you possibly make a #NES cooler? Cant be done? Make it in a toaster? Pshhff been done. How about the only one to actually make it cooler. Build it into the #TMNT party wagon. YES!


A month’s worth of work, a lot of R&D, countless hours of cutting, sanding, wiring, gluing, action figure modifying, and more went into this one-of-a-kind Nintendo Entertainment System.

The head lights and passenger compartment light up, the guns, radar, and armored windshield are moveable and removable, new ‘glass’ windows, new steering wheel, and more.

The power and audio/video cables plug into jacks mounted on the back of the van. The POWER and RESET buttons are located on top just in front of the TOP LOADING cart slot. The controller ports are built into the side door.

Leonardo is at the wheel while Michelangelo eats pizza and plays with his nunchucku sitting shotgun.

Matching custom painted controllers with unique overlays mimic the design and color palette of the van. The paint is all professional automotive base coat clear coat system. The clear coat was color sanded and buffed just like you would do on a show car!

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